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No. 35 (2009)
Guillermo Banzato
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Carlos Alberto Mayo [1947-2009]
Osvaldo Barreneche
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The "revolución libertadora" from a local perspective: The bombardments in Mar del Plata's port. Around the origins of civil war in Argentina, 1955
Agustín Nieto
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Investigating other forms of social organization in the Pre-Columbian World: Logic of the Kinship and Logic of State in the Inka Society, XIV-XVI centuries. An interpretative essay
Horacio Miguel Zapata
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Fight, raising and resist! a history of strike weavers Salvador-Bahia in september 1919
Vanesa Cristina Santos Matos
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Valeria Araceli D'Agostino, Guillermo Banzato
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Periurban public lands: Lease, enfiteusis and sales in the agricultural environment of Buenos Aires [San José de Flores, 1800-1862]
María Valeria Ciliberto
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Ownership of land and formation of lar-ge land estates in the southern frontier of Brazil , through the post -mortem inventories [1800-1860]
Luís Augusto Farinatti
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Land markets in the "new South" of Buenos Aires: Arenales y Ayacucho, 1824-1904
Valeria Araceli D'Agostino
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Ocupação, valorização e comércio de terras no norte do Rio Grande do Sul - séculos 19 e 20
Helen Scorsatto Ortíz
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The formation of the market, price trends and the effects of privatization of public land during the expansion of the frontier in southeastern Cordoba
Luis A. Tognetti
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The formation of the land market during the expansion of the frontier of Buenos Aires: Chascomús and Junín, 1860-1890
Guillermo Banzato
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Secondary education as a social demand under the first Peronism. A case study: The Colegio Nacional Mixto of Morón [1949-1955]
Adrián Cammarota
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Víctor Mercante and its educational project: Saavedra Lamas's reform
Marisa I. Alonso
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Reseñas y comentarios
María Cecilia Corda. Las vanguardias políticas de los años 70: La experiencia del PRT-ERP. Desajuste y distanciamiento de la realidad, Buenos Aires, [s.n.], 2008, 212 páginas
Nayla M. Pis Diez
PDF (Español (España))
Silvana Pascucci. Costureras, monjas y anarquistas. Trabajo femenino, iglesia y lucha de clases en la industria del vestido [Buenos Aires, 1890-1940], Buenos Aires, Ediciones RyR, 2007
Gisela Monzoni
PDF (Español (España))
Sandra Gayol. Honor y duelo en la Argentina moderna. Buenos Aires, Siglo veintiuno editores, 2008, 284 p.
Juan Pablo García Saggio
PDF (Español (España))
María Cecilia Zuleta. Los extremos de Hispanoamérica. Relaciones, conflictos y armonías entre México y el Cono Sur, 1821-1990. México, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores/Acervo Histórico Diplomático, 2008
Alejandro César Simonoff
PDF (Español (España))
Gabriel Di Meglio. Viva el bajo pueblo! La plebe urbana de Buenos Aires y la política entre la revolución de mayo y el rosismo. Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2006, 364 p.
Martín Alfaro
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