The representation of Charles I of England through paintings (XVIIth to XIXth centuries)

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Sebastián Daniel Sisto


Charles I may have been one of the most controversial monarchs in British History, partly because of his decision of going to war against the Parliamentary opposition. Besides this, one element which has attracted the attention of scholars has been his representation, that is, the King’s image. This article will strive to analyse how did painting reflect the image of Charles during the XVIIth century and how it was reproposed in Victorian England when the transformation of society gave new significance to the painting of the Stuart King.


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Sisto, S. D. (2024). The representation of Charles I of England through paintings (XVIIth to XIXth centuries). Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (59), e204.
Dosier: La materialidad de la circulación en el mundo atlántico


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