Part of the roads. An approach to the identities of a Buenos Aires town

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Francisco Catalano
Kiara Regal Arias
Chiara Reynaldi Verri


This paper develops the active role played by the “Bartolomé Bavio” Railway Station, which is restored in the district of Magdalena, in the province of Buenos Aires. On the one hand, we highlight the substantial role of said institution as formative of local identity; the role of Museums within learning tasks and, on the other, the importance of recovering local history and the need to establish an archive to keep said heritage alive.


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How to Cite
Catalano , F., Regal Arias, K., & Reynaldi Verri, C. (2025). Part of the roads. An approach to the identities of a Buenos Aires town. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (61), e225.
Teaching of History


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