The materiality of circulation in the Atlantic World (II): books, fashion and food (16th-19th centuries)

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Daniel Mena Acevedo
Sebastián Daniel Sisto


This second part of the dossier aims to study the diffusion of books, fashion and food between Europe and America during the Ealy Modern Period. Thus, the study of the supply, circulation and consumption of these cultural objects shows their relationship with changes in economic, social, cultural and political history on both sides of the Atlantic.


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How to Cite
Mena Acevedo, D., & Sisto, S. D. (2025). The materiality of circulation in the Atlantic World (II): books, fashion and food (16th-19th centuries). Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (61), e216.
Dosier: La materialidad de la circulación en el mundo atlántico (II): libros, moda y alimentos (siglos XVI-XIX)


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