Recovering the institutional memory. Some perspectives on the recent history of the Ravignani Institute
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The main objective of this dossier is to reflect a significant part of the academic activity produced at the Institute of Argentine and American History "Dr. Emilio Ravignani "during the direction of Ricardo Caillet Bois (1956-1973 and 1976-1977). The history of Argentine historiography approached with different emphases, diverse problems centered on varied analytical perspectives, however there is a virtual historiographical vacuum on the performance of the Institute and its drifts from the middle of the 20th century. This vacancy contrasts with the institutional and historiographic centrality that the institution had. Consequently, we aspire to contribute to the recovery of institutional memory through the reconstruction of its structure and functioning, the knowledge of its members and the activities developed, as well as refer to the links established with other institutions, basically: the University of Buenos Aires Aires (UBA) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires (FFyL), links framed in precise historical conjunctures.
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