The Rio de la Plata region as an articulator of demands that stimulated its economy in the long eighteenth century (1680-1810)

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María Emilia Sandrín


It is proposed to analyze the capacity of the Rio de la Plata region to articulate a wide provision of goods and services for navigation and stable troops and / or in transit to other destinations. Various economic activities will be exhibited that were set in motion to satisfy both demands of the Crown in the Rí­o de la Plata during the 18th century. The study of the demands of both ships and troops is another way of analyzing the capacity of resource mobilization by the Crown and local powers, to see in this way the revitalizing role that the Crown had in the local economy; the role of articulator of the River Plate space, generating complex agreements to be able to satisfy the diverse demands.


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Sandrín, M. E. (2018). The Rio de la Plata region as an articulator of demands that stimulated its economy in the long eighteenth century (1680-1810). Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (48), e071.
Dossier: Civitas et Civium: iberoamerican postcards of the "small world" integrated in the Middle and Modern Age