About the “salaried of love”: the legal statute of prostitution (Argentina and Spain, fin-du-siècle)

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Marisa Adriana Miranda


This work is concentred about the public management of prostitution, considered as a biopolitic strategy that was applied over the binomial "sexuality-reproduction", especially in Argentina and Spain during the end of XIX Century and the beginning of the XX Century. This comparative interest was sustained in the existence of cities with similar cultural levels, as Buenos Aires and Barcelona, with increasing urbanization and parallel male immigration, on the one hand; and, on the other hand, in the slant toward an eugenics-biotipologyc that was shared between both towns and that was functional to some hypothesis organized about the venereal diseases


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How to Cite
Miranda, M. A. (2015). About the “salaried of love”: the legal statute of prostitution (Argentina and Spain, fin-du-siècle). Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (42). Retrieved from https://www.trabajosycomunicaciones.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/TyC2015n42a04