Peronism and the electoral way in Jujuy for the period of Revolución Libertadora

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Fernando Aníbal Castillo


The Revolución Libertadora, stablished in September 1955 after overthrowing the ruling Peronism, carried out a throwing out process of Peronism followers and set outlawing on it as a mechanism to avoid its reinstitution. Recovering suggesting ideas by Chartier and Spinelli and herein are set the characteristics that the jujenian Peronism put in practice to loom over the political field which was marked by said outlawing. The participation and influence of the jujenian Peronism proved its identity persistence and the low room legitimacy usage


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Castillo, F. A. (2015). Peronism and the electoral way in Jujuy for the period of Revolución Libertadora. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (41). Retrieved from