Justice demands and "escrache" by HIJOS La Plata

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Santiago Cueto Rúa


This paper analyzes the justice demands for the crimes committed during the last militar Dictatorship [1976-1983] made by the group called HIJOS La Plata. From an enquiry about the history of the group and its members, its explored their living experiences in the looking for and conquest of justice. Simultaneously, it's analyzed the collective positioning over the Trials for the Truth [Juicios por la Verdad] and escraches. Finally, it's investigated the several meanings of justice, and how using them as a starting point, it's possible to associate them politically with the revolutionary militancy of their parents and/or the humanitarian militancy of another human rights groups


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Cueto Rúa, S. (2010). Justice demands and "escrache" by HIJOS La Plata. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (36). Retrieved from https://www.trabajosycomunicaciones.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/TYC2010n36a09