The argentinean influence in the configuration of the uruguayan historiography. Case of study: Francisco Bauzá

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Tomás Sansón Corbo


In the second half of the 20th century there were created the necessary conditions for emergence and development of the national historiographies in Rí­o de la Plata, primordial root from which factual and historiographic axioms of patriotic origin emerged. The Argentinean historiography, for diversity of reasons -availability of heuristic supplies, bibliographical repertoires, intellectuals (historians, poets, novelists, essayists) consecrated to the study and exaltation of the national past, institutions dedicated to the development of the research, resources contributed by the State- had an early and important development and it influenced in a decisive way in the Uruguayan historiography. The object of this article is to know the modalities, the character and significance of this influence in a concrete author, Francisco Bauzá, for the purpose of elucidating the foundations on which were defined the theoretical structures and the technician-methodological rule which funded the discipline in Uruguay.


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How to Cite
Sansón Corbo, T. (2006). The argentinean influence in the configuration of the uruguayan historiography. Case of study: Francisco Bauzá. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (32-33). Retrieved from