Población y ocupación del espacio en la frontera del salado. Chascomús, Ranchos y Monte entre 1815 y 1838
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Numerous studies on rural society in the River Plate on the colonial and post independent period, are showing, little by little, the population characteristics, family composition and availability of labor, both in the old settlement areas and in more dynamics of the internal frontier, so we can continue the task with new approaches, comparing the results with those already obtained. This is the perspective of this work, which will describe the population structure between 1815 and 1838 Chascomús, although adding a relationship that is absent in the work seen on the subject, as is the occupation and access to legal ownership of the land. Due to the nature of the sources matches Ranchos and Monte counties will be partially included in the analysis
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Banzato, G. (2004). Población y ocupación del espacio en la frontera del salado. Chascomús, Ranchos y Monte entre 1815 y 1838. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (26-27). Retrieved from https://www.trabajosycomunicaciones.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/TYC2000n26-26a07
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